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Samsung UN65JS8500 TV Review Page 3

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Samsung 65JS8500 Review
65" 4K SUHD Smart TV, $4,999


When it comes to picture quality in a 2015 UHD TV about the only better performance that my eyes have experienced comes from the Samsung JS9500. The advantage is partially due to the 9500's full array backlighting compared to the 8500's edge lit system.

Samsung UN65JS8500

The difference is not that great and both shine, but the real showcase is the display of native 4K content.

Deadpool 4K Blu-ray cover

As mentioned earlier, in 2016, the flow of 4K mastered content is greater than the trickle from last year. Now many of the major releases like Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant, and Deadpool are being mastered in 4K, often with HDR and enhanced audio like Dolby Atmos.

And both Netflix and Amazon are mastering some of their new series in 4K like Daredevil and Mozart in the Jungle. If you have been waiting on the sidelines for 4K material, it's time to get in the game.

Upscaling HD to 4K resolution is also top notch on the JS8500. With that said, upscaling can only perform so many miracles on less than stellar standard definition and high definition programs. Don't expect your new SUHD TV to resurrect poor quality content.

As for 3D playback, it's great. I wish that the active shutter glasses weren't required, but the Samsung 3D glasses are light and comfortable.

But 3D is like so 2010, even Samsung seems to think so judging from the fact that they only include one pair of glasses (instead of four) in the JS8500 box.

As for audio, the addition of two 10W woofers produced a deeper fuller sound then the pair of 10W speakers could normally muster.

Samsung UN65JS8500 Music

But this 65-inch SUHD TV cries out for more. If you don't already have a separate sound system, then seriously consider budgeting for - at the very least - a soundbar and subwoofer kit. You will appreciate your TV even more with a capable sound system.


The JS8500 may not be at the very tippy-top of Samsung's 2015 line of 4K SUHD TVs, but if you don't hanker for a curved form factor, then this 65-inch flat screen model's quantum dot LED TV delivers dynamic picture quality. And it really excels when displaying the ever expanding catalog of native 4K master content.

This Smart TV also doesn't stint on features and apps. If you can find this 2015 model at a closeout price, it definitely would make a great centerpiece to your home TV viewing room.

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(06/02/24 - 08:44 AM PST)
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