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ViewSonic N4285p LCD HDTV Review

ViewSonic N4285p Review
42" 1080p LCD HDTV, $1799

ViewSonic N4285p

Dick De Jong
February 14, 2008
HDTV Solutions


I was thinking, as I watched the ViewSonic N4285p back on Valentine's Day, this is a sweetheart of an HDTV. Uncomplicated to setup, the 1080p LCD produces a rich, colorful picture that plucked my heart strings.

Perhaps a cold blooded videophile would demand more picture controls, but for a simple fella like me, who just wants to watch TV, the N4285p is like the gal next door. And aw shucks, she's pretty! But I reckon that I better quit gushing for now and get back to this review.

ViewSonic may be better known for making computer monitors. They entered the HDTV marketplace a couple of years ago and only produce a limited number of different LCD models. But they have learned quickly how to design a TV with a minimum of features but with a maximum of picture quality.

And gee-whillikers, she's a sight for sore eyes.

Our Ratings - 18.0/20
Performance: 4.5 4.5 Star Rating
I'm hesitant to give this ViewSonic a 5 because I do not want to raise expectations too high. Though I really enjoy the N4285p's HD image, I have seen better picture quality from other TVs, especially with SD material. Also, I wish it had a wider viewing angle.
Features: 3.5 3.5 Star Rating
Only two HDMI inputs, no USB input, no Ethernet port, no picture-in-picture. If those features are important to you, look elsewhere. If they are not, then add a point. The N4285p does not presume to be a feature rich TV, and that is one of the reasons it's so appealing.
Ease of Use: 5.0 5 Star Rating
I know I have some practice at setting up TVs, but I didn't have to refer to the manual once. The picture right out of the box is very good and the limited but effective picture controls made adjustments fast and rewarding.
Value: 5.0 5 Star Rating
The ViewSonic N4285p's uncomplicated demeanor and luscious image appeals to me on a primal level. Simply, I looked forward to sitting down and watching this TV. Match that with its street price and that's a five star value.
Star Ratings
Ratings are relative to when the review was written. The obvious example is Value, what you could purchase for $2000 two years ago or even two months ago would seem like a bad value for that price now. We have given only a precious few 5 Star ratings, which we reserve for truly outstanding accomplishment.

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(06/02/24 - 11:39 AM PST)
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