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HDTV Solutions News - Jan 7 2014 - Bimand Demonstrates OnScreen™ Cloud Technology with Philips' uWand Technology

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Bimand Demonstrates OnScreen™ Cloud Technology with Philips' uWand Technology to Enable the Ultra Smart TV at the International CES in Las Vegas

OnScreen technology brings together Information on Demand, Shopping, Voting, and Social Networking capabilities to enhance both the cable and internet TV experience

Las Vegas, Nevada, January 7, 2014: Bimand, Inc., a pioneer in emerging smart TV technology, will demonstrate its OnScreen Cloud Technology at the International CES in Las Vegas, January 7-10, 2014. Bimand's OnScreen technology is a cloud-based TV information system that delivers contextual information about what the viewer is watching and will allow the viewer to interact with it through the TV screen. The system offers rich interactive capabilities such as information on demand, shopping, voting, and social networking, all in one place, to enhance cable and internet TV for the ultimate TV experience.

Bimand's OnScreen technology

OnScreen technology allows both television program producers and advertisers a unique opportunity to completely engage with their audiences without the need for a second screen device. Viewers will be able to obtain information on-demand such as program history, celebrity biographies, and game and player statistics. The technology also extends the viewers' participation with the program to allow interactive voting and social networking. Its shopping capabilities will let advertisers directly engage with their audiences and will provide viewers both additional information on-demand as well as the ability to purchase the product on the spot or add to a wish list or shopping cart to purchase later. In addition, the solution will deliver valuable viewer insights, preferences, and buying behavior data to broadcasters and advertisers.

OnScreen technology works with Philips' uWand remote control technology for high precision interaction with the smart TV. "uWand's direct pointing technology is designed specifically for use with smart TVs. It delivers the same kind of interaction and intuitive operation of a touch screen device in the convenience of a remote control," said Navin Natoewal, General Manager Media Interaction from Philips. "We are pleased to partner with Bimand to provide precision remote control technology to enhance their OnScreen Cloud offering."

"Today's Smart TVs are not delivering on their full potential due to their lack of content- and context-awareness. OnScreen technology fills that gap to allow for a fully immersive, simple, and intuitive TV viewing experience," said Fadi Albatal, CEO of Bimand. "We are excited about the opportunity to demonstrate our OnScreen technology with Philips. The uWand remote control technology gives us the high precision gesture control capability to complement our OnScreen Cloud offering and deliver on our promise of simplicity."

About Philips uWand

UWand logo

Philips uWand is an intuitive camera based true direct pointing and gesture control technology for Smart TVs. The technology can be embedded in remote controls giving users fluid, accurate and truly direct control. With uWand the remote control is turned into an intuitive hybrid controller. It maintains the core, recreational, lean back TV experience while enabling new Smart TV use cases such as gaming, browsing online video and other content. For more information please visit www.uwand.com.

About Bimand

Bimand's vision is to create the Ultra Smart TV by bringing to market a cloud-based TV information system that will deliver contextual information about what you're watching and will let you interact with it through your TV screen. By offering capabilities like information on demand, shopping, voting, and social networking and making them available all in one place, Bimand will enhance your cable and internet TV for the ultimate TV experience. For more information visit www.bimand.com.

(06/01/24 - 05:01 PM PST)
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