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Sony Grand WEGA KDF-46E2000 (KDF46E2000) Projection TV Reviews - Sony HDTV TVs, HDTV Monitors, TV Reviews

Sony Grand WEGA KDF-46E2000 Projection TV (KDF46E2000)

46" diagonal, 16:9, $1,199 MSRP Add to Compare List

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Sony Grand WEGA KDF-46E2000 Projection TV
User Rating 

2 User Reviews Rated 5.0
Image Quality 5.0
Features 5.0
Construction 5.0
Ease of Use 5.0
Reliability 5.0
Value for Money 5.0

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Sony Grand WEGA KDF-46E2000 Projection TV Reviews
2 User Reviews
Oct 23, 2007 Alexjay
     I purchased this t.v. for use with my ps3 i recently bought. The high def. T.v....
Nov 4, 2006 nervisnel
    WE love this Tv. Excellent. WE do recommend to everyone. This is our first HD tv...
Oct 23, 2007 Alexjay 5.0
Image Quality 5.0
Features 5.0
Construction 5.0
Ease of Use 5.0
Reliability 5.0
Value for Money 5.0

My Experience: I purchased this t.v. for use with my ps3 i recently bought. The high def. T.v. I alreay owned (65 inch Mitsubishi ) only supported 1080i and I really wanted to experince the full effect of the ps3 especially the blue ray! So i went out looking at lots of tv's found out the difference between lcd and dlp flat screen and projection! The tv I really wanted was a samsung flat panel those tv's are just gorgous but for the 46 incher I wanted, the cheapest I found one was around $2000.00. So I started looking at some cheaper flat panel monitors and there are severel affordable brands out there. But for those of you how are impressed by a price make sure you go to a store were they have the tv's all mounted to the walls and the various brands mixed in together. Then stand back about 10 to 15 feet and then really compare them! You are going to see what I am talking about right away the colors on the cheaper sets are'nt as clear, crisp, or bright as the higher ens models. So unable to get a satisfying product in my price range I decided to look at the projection tv's. Thats were I found the most amazing tv I have ever seen. I was at best buy and they had a 46 inch sony bravia on sale for 1299.00 regulary 1699.00 and the picture was just as clear and sharp as a flat panel. The only differance was the viewing angles are alot smaller but I dont know about you but I dont sit on the side of my tv to watch I sit in front of it. So I decided on the sony but I knew I could get a better deal. So I went to the local ABC warehouse of Michigan and they had the 46 inch bravia but this model was the grand wega, which is top of the line creme' dela creme'! There price for this model was on sale for 1599 regulary 2100. So I told them best buys price and they came back with a price of 1290.00 out the door and that included a two year warrenty and the tax so I really ended up with the tv for around 1050.00. So in conclusion this tv is a great buy and beacause its a rear projection and all the retailers are switching to mostly flat panels. You can negotiate a pretty sweet price. The other great thing about this television is sony is going to a standard pull done menu for all of its electronics. So each peice of sony equipment you buy automatically reconizes ach other. This is conveniate becuase you can run all of your equipment from one menu including turning it on and off. This tv is a must buy for anyone looking for a true 1080p high definition set, on a budget.

Problems: Absolutley nothing a tremandous piece of equipment. Gourgous picture that all of my friends and family are envyous of.
(06/08/24 - 07:26 PM PST)
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