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HDTV Solutions News - May 17 2016 - DISH adds movie and TV trailers to Hopper 3, 4K Joey and DISHAnywhere.com

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Not sure you if you want to watch it? Check out the trailer first

DISH adds movie and TV trailers to Hopper 3, 4K Joey and DISHAnywhere.com

Picking a movie to watch, or a new TV series to begin, can be a little tough when you have literally thousands of options at your fingertips.

Enter our latest development to ease the burden of choice: integrating movie and TV show trailers into our Hopper 3, 4K Joey and DISHAnywhere.com interfaces.

DISH Trailers

Trailers are among the most important factors in a consumer's decision-making process about what to watch. Generally less than two minutes in length, these previews have been used by the movie industry for over a century to drive audience interest, and in the age of digital video, they're an essential tool to help us navigate through a wealth of content.

With this in mind, we worked with Internet Video Archive (IVA), the entertainment industry's leading online supplier of movie and TV trailers, to incorporate trailers into our Hopper 3 and 4K Joey user interfaces, as well as on DISHAnywhere.com.

This new integration with IVA attaches trailers to most of DISH's on-demand titles (more than 40,000 movies and TV episodes), and additionally includes trailers for some content airing live. Taking this a step further, we're also featuring the latest theatrical trailers so you can check out upcoming movies that are currently in theaters. >From a Hopper 3 or 4K Joey, you can select these movies to record once they're available on DISH.

Here's how you can find movie and TV trailers on your Hopper 3 and 4K Joey:

Trailers for on-demand titles:

Trailers for movies in theaters:

To watch trailers on DISHAnywhere.com, simply select a movie or TV title, and click "Trailer."

Stay up-to-date on the latest DISH announcements by following @DISHNews. And if you've ever wondered why trailers are called "trailers," check out this article for a look back at the history of cinema's visual ads.

DISH Trailers

(05/01/24 - 03:09 PM PST)
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