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HD WorldWhat in the HD World?
Farewell 30 Rock
Dick De Jong
January 30, 2012
HDTV Solutions
30 Rock Poster

Thursday marks the series finale for NBC's 30 Rock, a smart, silly, surreal and solidly down-to-earth comedy starring Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin with support from Tracy Morgan, Jane Krakowski, Jack McBrayer and many more.

This program created by Tina Fey about producing a make-believe NBC variety show perhaps had too many industry inside jokes for some. But I loved how the cast made fun of themselves personally and professionally.

Simply put, Fey, Baldwin and their 30 Rock cohorts made me laugh out loud - not just giggles but guffaws. I consider that a great gift.

The following is Tina Fey's last session of her answering questions from the 30 Rock mail bag. Her responses reflect that same sensibility that guided the show.

30 Rock will be missed, but not forgotten. I look forward to reliving their escapades on syndication.

In the meantime, I will tickle my funny bone with weekly doses of Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, and Go On while I wait for the new seasons of Episodes and Nurse Jackie, (if you can call the Edie Falco fueled Jackie a comedy).

And while I'm feeling nostalgic for favorite programs that have shuffled off the Primetime stage, earlier this month Fringe bid adieu, but not without delivering the most emotional, warm, heart-felt ending ever from what is considered a science fiction show.

From the heart-breaking loss of the grown-up Etta, to Olivia pulling Peter back from the emotion-less brink through the sheer force of love, to Walter fully finding and flexing his humanity, the season's shows deftly mixed cerebral concepts of alt and pocket universes with touching themes like parental grief and moral duty and sacrifice.


The cast was stellar, Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, and Jasika Nicole (as the curly coiffed astute assistant Astrid).

And what can you say about John Noble, the time, space and mind bending Walter, who in the end strolls through a worm hole, (hand-in-hand with the bald child Michael), to heal time and earn his redemption.


It is a travesty that Noble has never even been nominated for an Emmy.

Netflix has signed a deal with Warner Bros. Television Group to license Fringe, (as well as other favorites like Chuck and West Wing). If you have never watched Fringe, join us, the diehard fans, for a Fringe binge.

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